Industrial Equipments

CNC Manufacturer of High Precision Machined Complex Parts

In the realm of industrial equipment, the demand for precision components capable of withstanding high-stress environments is paramount – it’s the foundation upon which reliability, efficiency, and safety are built. The reliability and tailored machining capabilities inherent in CNC machining are indispensable for meeting the rigorous standards of this sector. At TDB, we’re proud to introduce our cutting-edge CNC machining capabilities, revolutionizing the way industrial machinery components are manufactured and setting new standards for precision engineering.

Industry Applications

Our CNC machines manufacture parts used for other manufacturing operations. The industrial industry includes packaging equipment, electronics, and other general industrial equipment.

Certifications and Capabilities:

  • Medium to large parts
  • Engineering, horizontal CNC milling cutters, vertical milling machining, horizontal turning, vertical turning, electrical discharge machining EDM
  • Machining experience with aluminum, armor plate, brass, bronze, chromium, copper, stainless steel, titanium, and many other superalloys
  • An extensive network of subcontractors and material suppliers experienced in the industry standards

Variety of Materials

Aluminum, brass, bronze, chromium, copper, nickel, nitralloy, stainless steel, titanium, and a wide range of superalloys.

Other Industries Served: 

Food processing, Oil & Gas, Medical Device, Construction Machining, Hydraulic Cylinder, Industrial Equipment, Mining, Aerospace, Heavy Equipment, Consumer Electronics, Agriculture, Vacuum Equipments, Steel Manufacturing, Display Systems